Chief Minister Siddaramaiah of the Indian state of Karnataka is arguing for the region, which lies in the south west of the subcontinent and which was previously known as the State of Mysore, to have its own flag, as well as calling for more autonomy for states.
The Flags of the World website explains that, “State flags are not found in India – only the national flag is flown on state buildings.” I understand that Jammu and Kashir is, hitherto at least, the exception.
This flag is seen in the state, but it is not official:
The New India Express explains,
Dispelling the apprehension that it could strengthen the feelings of separatism, Siddaramaiah has said, ” I don’t think the demands for greater federal autonomy and recognition of regional identity are inconsistent with our nation. Karnataka prides in Kannada identity. The oldest written document (in stone) in Kannada found at Halmidi, Hassan District, dates back to 2nd century AD. The oldest Kannada kingdom under the Kadamabas of Banvasi ruled the state during the 4th century AD. We have been using a red and yellow flag since decades. Yet, Karnataka, as our poet laureate Kuvempu said, is the daughter of Bharata, the Indian nation (Jaya Bharatha Jananiya Tanujathe).”
It is probably a matter of time before other states adopt their own flags. Karnataka has a population of over 60 million and its capital, Bangalore, or Bengaluru, is India’s fifth largest city with over eight million inhabitants.
In a recent survey, conducted by the global HR consultancy Mercer, Bangalore was voted the most liveable city in India, however life is not so easy at the moment due to a water shortage.
New apartment blocks are being completed in the city, India’s Silicon Valley, but water is being delivered by tankers to provide for those already living in the metropolis.
I suppose it is only natural that people in the world’s second largest country, by population, full in diversity, would want recognition for their particular culture. A flag is very useful for symbolising this distinctness!